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Writer's pictureMeaghan Gibson

Staying Motivated During a Pandemic


Make no mistake, staying motivated in the middle of lockdown is HARD.

We have been stripped of all the things that make us feel good as humans. People, activities, good food, travel, school, etc etc etc. Without these outlets it's very easy to feel depressed or anxious. Depending on your personality these feelings can send us straight to the fridge or pantry. They also often make it difficult to hop on the treadmill or roll out our yoga mat.

Many of us are the type that need to go to a gym or a class in order to have the motivation to move. We need the accountability of that monthly membership coming out of our account or of many other people in the room around us. Without it, stuck at home, we hit the couch instead.

Maybe you have kids at home and they require constant supervision during homeschooling, so all of your work has to get done in your spare time. I personally have three kids at home. Two in JK and one in Gr. 1. Trying to get all three of them to sit through four Google meets a day without constant hovering is IMPOSSIBLE.

Bottom line, for must of us our fitness/workout routines went out the window. I've suffered from this on and off throughout every lockdown we've had. The only time I manage to power through it is if I can get a few days in a row where I'm moving my body. For me, it's all about momentum. This is the same with my food choices. If I can kick the bad choices for two or three days in a row, my motivation spikes because I start feeling good about myself again.

Below are my top tips for getting and staying motivated to move your body and make healthy choices. I hope they help!

  • Make a plan.

If you have kids or work and you just can't find time during the day, set your alarm

and get up early. Don't get me wrong, I love sleep so this one is like a last resort

for me! BUT if it was the only way then I would do it. Working out before you start

your day will inevitably make the rest of your day better. It will help you get through

all the other stress throughout your day. And you'll feel great because it's done. No

time to decide that you just can't get to it.

  • Prep the night before.

If you are planning on working out first thing in the morning, have your workout

clothes out on the dresser. Have your space cleared, equipment ready, water

poured and in the fridge. Anything you can do to go straight from bed to workout.

  • Know your workout.

If you are going to do something like body weight or yoga, pick a video, write a

session, whatever it is you plan on doing. If you go to do your workout but aren't

sure what to do you will quickly lose your motivation. You might do a small workout

but you wont work as hard and typically the workout ends pretty quick.

  • Partner or kids? Include them.

This is absolutely easier said than done. I have 3 littles at home and often when I

get on my mat they want to do it with me. Unfortunately after about two minutes

they are trying to make me do they're moves instead. If you have the time, just go

with it! Do a few of theirs and then encourage them to do yours. It can be

frustrating to stay patient when you have a plan already, but teaching our kids how

to stay healthy is so important and if you do this one consistently it will pay off.

Last week my girls did a 15 minute yoga practice and they are only our.

  • Finally, go with the flow!

Have a plan in place and try to keep it, but definitely be prepared to be flexible. I

know my biggest frustration happens when I only have a certain time/day I can get

something done and the second my kids (or any distraction) comes into play my

patience if very low. I have an agenda of my own and I get upset if I have to

deviate. I've found it helpful to remind myself that its ok. Changing my plan is ok.

Follow me on Istagram for lots of workout ideas :)

All the love,


"Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what keeps you going."

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